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Commitees and Boards
The work of PRA is a collaborative effort between PRA staff and multiple volunteer leadership groups (PRA: Association, Commission; PRF: Foundation, Academy; Components: Chapters/Affiliates; Committees and Taskforces) that interact to advance the field of psychiatric rehabilitation. Below is a list of currently active committees/boards and their purpose.
Those that serve on any particular group may click the link to "[Group] Member Resources" to access meeting information, including minutes, agendas, handouts, and recordings, as available.
Interested in getting involved? Email info@psychrehabassociation for more information!
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (PRA) Board of Directors
As the nonprofit organization focused on growing, training, and certifying the recovery workforce, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (PRA) is the preeminent association for the development, support, and dissemination of information about the practice of psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery.
PRA Board Member Meeting Resources
Certification Commission for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery
The Certification Commission for Psychiatric Rehabilitation is the standard-setting body for PRA’s credentialing programs, providing the governance, coordination, planning, and operation of the certification process as well as promoting the welfare of people in recovery by establishing professional standards for those engaged in providing psychiatric rehabilitation services. The commission works to assist and encourage all persons engaged in the profession of psychiatric rehabilitation to achieve and maintain the highest professional standards.
Commissioner Meeting Resources
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Foundation (PRF) Board of Directors
Promoting wellness and recovery through research, education and training is at the heart of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Foundation (PRF). PRF works tirelessly to ensure that psychiatric rehabilitation professionals are at the forefront with innovative solutions to manage the challenges and opportunities of the future, extending the impact of their work. PRF expands training and education activities delivered through the Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery as well as current and evolving programs and activities including scholarships, research, grants, and public outreach.
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to PRF!
PRF Board Member Meeting Resources
Academy for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery
The Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery ("the Academy") is committed to growing and training the recovery workforce around the world, a key element of helping to deliver improved mental and behavioral health outcomes. The Academy connects great ideas with great people to provide exceptional learning opportunities to enhance your professional development.
Academy Leadership Member Meeting Resources
Committee on Chapters/Affiliates
PRA Chapters and Affiliates promote and support the mission and values of PRA, and provide members with increased opportunities within their states. Whether separately, or in concert with PRA, our chapters provide members with educational opportunities, local public policy advocates, and local leadership development within the psychiatric rehabilitation field. As a PRA member, you are automatically a member of your state’s chapter, if one is in place.
List of PRA Chapters/Affiliates and Events
Committee on Chapters/Affiliates Member Resources
Public Policy Committee
Public Policy Committee Member Meeting Resources