A Little Less Conversation \ A Little More Action: Advancing Sexual Wellness In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs

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Monday, June 26 / 8:30 am to 10:00 am

Many individuals who experience a psychiatric disability are also sexually active, viewing sex/intimacy as personal choices essential for wellness and part of their own self-determination. Unfortunately, the mental health system lacks a workforce that is knowledgeable and comfortable discussing sexual wellness. To promote more comprehensive wellness and recovery, it’s imperative that mental health programs contextualize sexuality as part of the recovery process and vital to wellness. This session will review the Knowledge, Comfort, Approach & Attitude towards Sexuality Scale (Kendall, 2003), work through case scenarios as well as practice developing a sexual wellness initiative for use at their home program.

Session Details


Trauma, Sexuality, Research, Culture, Communication Skills, Assessment, Health & Wellness


Nicole Pashka (CPRP}

Lisa Razzano, (PhD), (CPRP)