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Friday, June 23
Format Title Main Facultysort descending Time Description Edit
CFRP Exam Preparation Course (Participants Must Pre-register) 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CFRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
CPRP Exam Preparation Course (Participants Must Pre-register) 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CPRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
Saturday, June 24
Format Title Main Facultysort descending Time Description Edit
CPRP Exam Preparation Course Continues 8:00 am to 10:00 am
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CPRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
CFPR Exam Preparation Course Continues 8:00 am to 10:00 am
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CFRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
CPRP Exam Preparation Course Continues 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CPRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
CFRP Exam Preparation Course Continues 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CFRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
Pre-Conference Institute: Emerging Practices for Emerging Adults 8:00 am to 11:00 am
Key components of effective TAY services will be shared to enable participants to evaluate strengths, and identify "improvables". The 5 components of effective TAY services...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Stigma, Evidence-based, Wellness
Walking the Fine Line: Viewpoints of Practitioners with Lived Experience Amanda Saake 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Lived experience of recovery from mental health conditions is prevalent among people working in a variety of roles throughout the psychiatric rehabilitation community.  ...
Topics: Peers, Advocacy/Public Policy, Ethics and Values, Stigma, Wellness, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership
Sensory Strategies Christine Manville 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
A person’s ability to interact with the environment is related to their capability to receive and organize sensory input. Sensory input includes sight, sound, taste, smell,...
Topics: Person-Centered Planning Skills, Healthcare Integration, De-escalation, Co-Occurring Disorders, Community Integration, Assessment, Wellness
Basics of Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making Danielle Schade 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Regardless of one's discipline, ethical practice is a universal expectation. This presentation offers an introduction to ethics for entry-level providers, beginning with a...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Ethics and Values
System Impacts of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Training: Experiences in California and Israel Debbie Nicolellis 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Transforming mental health agencies and systems takes coordinated effort by all stakeholders, including people in recovery, policy makers, staff, and community partners....
Topics: Ethics and Values, Documentation
Avoiding Social Security Enrollment for Transition Age Youth & Young Adults: Preventing "System Effects" Michelle Mullen 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
This discussion will focus on the short-term and long-term implications of assisting young people to apply for social security when entering mental health services.  All...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Employment, Stigma, Advocacy/Public Policy
Eval Jam Session For TAY Service Providers Michelle Wiley 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Do you have a program for youth and young adults? How do you know it is effective, meaningful and relevant? Bring your methods, strategies, ideas and questions to this...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Outcomes, Vocational
From Prison to Community: Evidence of the Transforming Power of Forensic Peer Support Rita Cronise 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Next Steps is a SAMHSA-Funded workshop designed by the International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS) for peer support workers based on the transforming practices of...
Topics: Peers, Leadership, Forensic, Employment, Criminal Justice, Community Integration, Advocacy/Public Policy
Preventing Peer Support Burnout: Healthy Partnering with Other Professionals Vicki Rainey 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
We will discuss importance of Peer Support Specialists partnering with other Professionals and focusing on preventing burnout. We will discuss ways  to let go of...
Topics: Communication Skills, Staff Management & Development, Mergers, Partnerships, Collaboration, Interpersonal Skills, Employment, Ethics and Values, Advocacy/Public Policy
Sunday, June 25
Format Title Main Facultysort descending Time Description Edit
Early Morning Health & Wellness 7:00 am to 8:00 am
Topics: Not available
CPRP Exam Preparation Course Continues 8:00 am to 10:00 am
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CPRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
CFRP Exam Preparation Course Continues 8:00 am to 10:00 am
An excellent course designed to prepare candidates for the CFRP exam and gain a thorough understanding of psychiatric rehabilitation. The course provides comprehensive...
Topics: Not available
Lunch N' Learn Psych Rehab Around the World: A Global Recovery Forum 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Topics: Not available
General Session/Keynote Address 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Description coming soon.
Topics: Not available
International Reception (Invitation Only) 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Celebrate psychiatric rehabilitation around the world by joining us for the International Reception. Featuring a slide show of psych rehab programs from across the globe,...
Topics: psych rehab around the world
Special Event Movie Night: “Visions of Warriors” 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
“Visions of Warriors” enters the minds of four veterans from the Vietnam War era to the Iraq War who are battling against mental illness—Mark Pinto, Homerina "Merina"...
Topics: VA, Trauma, Stigma, Wellness, Community Integration, Self-Efficacy
Lunch N' Learn Stories Told Through the Senses: What a Story, and its medium, can mean to the teller Alex Gonzales-Harsha 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Today’s talk will showcase alternative and creative forms of storytelling that capture the most important elements of recovery through the eyes of Veterans who have...
Topics: Trauma, Stigma, Communication Skills
Lunch N' Learn Resistance, Resilience, and Air Pollution:Challenging Ourselves to Reduce Harm from Stigma Alicia Lucksted 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
How is stigma like air pollution? Why should you care? This presentation will Ignite our creative thinking to look squarely at how much societal stigmatization of mental...
Topics: Change Management, Health & Wellness, Leadership, Stigma
TED-Like Talks Four Resources For Reducing Stigma's Recovery-Harming Effects Alicia Lucksted 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Stigmatization of mental health conditions is common, stubborn, and hurts people using psychiatric rehabilitation services (PRS) in many ways:  discrimination,...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Stigma, Health & Wellness, Children, Families, Community Integration, Goal Setting, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Peer Coaches Promoting Academic Success for College Students Amanda Costa 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Young adults with MHC make up a growing percentage of students on college campuses, yet they continually struggle academically and have one of the highest dropout rates of...
Topics: Peers, Wellness, Research, Transition Age Youth
Building Bounce Back Families: It's All Relative Chris Martin 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
This fun, highly interactive, and very meaningful team-centered workshop may cause you to smile, laugh, sing, win a prize, and even shed a tear; but most of all, it will give...
Topics: Communication Skills, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, Goal Setting, Children, Families, Community Integration, Health & Wellness
Making the Case for Integrating Complementary and Allopathic Tools for Mental Health Recovery Cynthia Piltch 8:30 am to 10:00 am
This workshop wlll enable participants to contribute their own knowledge and questions to the format of the session.  The session will begin with a brief introduction of...
Topics: Suicide/Violence Prevention, Health & Wellness, Peers, Ethics and Values, Advocacy/Public Policy, Trauma
Mitigating Mental Health Microaggressions Danielle Knutson 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Microaggressions are subtle, often unintended, communications that send negative messages to an individual of a marginalized group. Research indicates that providers and...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Advocacy/Public Policy, Ethics and Values, Evidence-based, Interpersonal Skills, Research, Staff Management & Development
TED-Like Talks Trauma: Our Shared Experience Dawn Reinhardt-Wood 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
In this Conversation that Matters, session leaders will facilitate a discussion about the prevalence of trauma among the population that we serve and those that work in the...
Topics: Trauma, Peers, Interpersonal Skills, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Staff Management & Development
TED-Like Talks Navigating Through Distress: Core Skills for Providers Debra Brasher 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Life is stressful!  Effectively supporting others through periods of high distress can mean the difference between increasing resiliency and sliding into a crisis....
Topics: Communication Skills, Stigma, Interpersonal Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Suicide/Violence Prevention
Recovery Through Community Membership Dennis H. Rice 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
For too many of us, "living in the community" is a lonely experience marked by social isolation and alienation with the world around us. Research demonstrates the importance...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Advocacy, Community Integration, Leadership, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Using Technology to Enhance Recovery in Mental Health Elizabeth Cella 8:30 am to 10:00 am
The workshop will discuss how to design and implement a project management plan to integrate technology into practice in mental health settings to enhance recovery for...
Topics: Wellness, Goal Setting, Mobile Psych Rehab, Using Technology
TED-Like Talks There's An App For That: Recovery-Oriented Mobile Interventions for Mental Health Ilana Lane 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Mobile health interventions have demonstrated effectiveness across a range of outcomes, including mental health. However, little is known about the use of mobile technology...
Topics: Mobile Psych Rehab, Health Information Technology
TED-Like Talks The Hero's Journey: An Innovative Approach to Exploring the Recovery Process and Empowering the Hero Within JoAnn Burton 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Pat Deegan encourages us all to "suspend (our) perception of people as mental patients and try to see the individual as a hero."  Inspired by Deegan and the stories of...
Topics: Trauma, Substance Use, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Health & Wellness, Stigma
TED-Like Talks Successfully Employing Young Adult Peer Mentors: From Research to Practice, The Employer Toolkit Jonathan Delman 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
While there is a movement towards hiring young adult peer mentors, providers have struggled with both recruitment and retention. Our research has shown that this issue must...
Topics: Peers, Employment, Research, Staff Management & Development, Vocational
Symposia, Workshops, and Skills-Based Training HYPE: Engaging Youth in the Development, Creation and Refinement of Innovative Services Katie Holloway 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
In this workshop, attendees can learn about how youth voice has had an impact on the development and creation of an innovative service that blends employment and education...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Research, Leadership, Employment, Peers
LIMIT. LESS.: Cultural Foundations of Good Communication Leslye C. Steptoe 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Every interaction is a cultural interaction, and even situations that appear to be culturally-neutral, aren't. Your cultural lens impacts your behavior in surprising ways!...
Topics: Ethics, Change Management, Communication Skills, Staff Management & Development, Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, Culture
TED-Like Talks Hey, Wait a Second Amendment! Lisa A. Razzano 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
This TED-like talk will focus on the relationship between mental health and guns. Discussion will explore the ways in which stigma affects community perceptions of gun...
Topics: Criminal Justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma
Tools for the Trifecta of Health, Wellness & Recovery Lisa A. Razzano 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Among individuals in recovery, the most common debilitating illnesses are preventable and treatable conditions including cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and...
Topics: Peers, Research, Health Integration, Evidence-based, Co-Occurring Disorders, Health & Wellness
TED-Like Talks "Inappropriate For Treatment": Are We Doing What We Can To Respect The Dignity and Worth of Every Person? Magdaline Hatzikazakis 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
The concept of respect is used as one of the guiding principles for a variety of treatment models, professions, and religions.  However, acknowledging the concept and...
Topics: Advocacy/Public Policy, Culture and Diversity, Ethics and Values, Interpersonal Skills, Program Evaluation/Outcomes, Stigma, Trauma
TED-Like Talks Is There Room for Recovery on Inpatient Units? Meaghan Stacy 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
There is little literature on the implementation of recovery-oriented care on inpatient units. What exists lacks concrete steps by which inpatient settings might be...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Ethics and Values, Stigma, Change Management, Communication Skills, Community Integration, Interpersonal Skills, Staff Management & Development
Healing Through Spiritual Practices with a Trauma-Informed Care Lens Patricia Blum 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
The mental health field has a long history of ignoring or pathologizing spirituality and religion. Yet research over the past 10 years has established that spirituality and...
Topics: Community Integration, Interpersonal Skills, Spirituality
TED-Like Talks What If The Hokey Pokey is What It's All About? Psych Rehab and The Meaning of Live Patricia Nemec 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Certain factors contribute to quality of life and well-being, regardless of culture.  These factors have been described in philosophical and religious texts and captured...
Topics: Spirituality, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Goal Setting, Health & Wellness, Ethics and Values
TED-Like Talks Teach and Train Without Putting People to Sleep Peter Basto 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
PSR trainers and educators involved in workforce development face the challenges of how to actively engage adult learners, how to get them excited about what is being taught...
Topics: Communication Skills, Leadership
Cognitive Remediation: Going Beyond Treatment As Usual Ray Gonzalez 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Why have more individuals with chronic mental health disabilities not recovered more completely? We need to rethink the problem and solution; move the treatment paradigm from...
Topics: Communication Skills, Evidence-based, Interpersonal Skills, Using Technology, Vocational
TED-Like Talks Using Photography to Advance the Recovery Journey Ryan Gardner 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Recovery from mental health symptoms is often a life-long journey, with Western cultures promoting psychotropic medication and psychotherapy to manage symptoms.  But can...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Trauma, Stigma, Health & Wellness, Community Integration, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
The New You: Promoting Health with the Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery (NEW-R) Program Steigman 8:30 am to 10:00 am
This workshop will review an 8-week curriculum that helps participants eat healthier, become more physically active, and better manage their weight. Nutrition and Exercise...
Topics: Co-Occurring Disorders, Health & Wellness
Walking In the Light of a Lighthouse: A Journey of Suicide Stephanie Crookston 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
When I was 23, I sat in the shadow of a lighthouse that sat on a hill overlooking the vast ocean ofthe Atlantic and thought about jumping. My despair so intense, I considered...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Stigma, Communication Skills, Early Intervention, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Suicide/Violence Prevention
Integrated Care and Communtity Inclusion: Finding Sollutions Thomas Lane 8:30 am to 10:00 am
This highly interactive and thought provoking workshop will provide participants the opportunity to discuss the importance and impact of non-healthcare systems on social...
Topics: Advocacy, Ethics, Peers, Employment, Mergers, Partnerships, Collaboration, Supportive Housing
Monday, June 26
Format Title Main Facultysort descending Time Description Edit
Grab Lunch For A Break or Join a Lunch-N-Learn Session 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Description coming soon.
Topics: Not available
Early Morning Health & Wellness 7:00 am to 8:00 am
Topics: Not available
The Professionalization Of Peer Support: Have We Gone Too Far? Anne Labowitz Klee 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Peer support is growing. As more mental health organizations create formal peer specialist positions, more states support Medicaid reimbursement, and the scientific...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Peers
Lunch N' Learn Item Writing For PRA Certification Exams Casey Ward Goldberg 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Grab your lunch and join Casey Ward Goldberg, PRA’s Associate Vice President for Credentialing/Cheif Operating Oficer along with representatives of the CPRP Board of Subject...
Topics: Not available
Exam Prep Wrap Up: The Application Process Casey Ward Goldberg 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
The exam applciation process can be a daunting one, but it doesn't have to be. If you attended one of the exam preparation courses earlier in the conference, join us to learn...
Topics: Not available
TED-Like Talks Recovery and Occupational Justica: The Power Of Doing Christine Linkie 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
We need to do! Humans have a biological need for occupation (meaningful activity) in order to develop competence, identity, and resilience. Research suggests that although...
Topics: Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Mobile Psych Rehab, Health & Wellness, Goal Setting, Evidence-based, Community Integration, Communication Skills, Assessment
The Pessimist's Guide To Helping: Why Do We Even Bother? Chritopher M. Owens 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Let’s face it - what we do doesn’t work nearly as well as we would like. Since nothing (and no one) ever seems to change for the better, what’s the point? The first part of...
Topics: Advocacy, Community Integration, Motivational Interviewing, Goal Setting, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Brilliantly Battling Burnout: Practical Information, Tools And Real-Time Exercises For Caregivers and Providers Danielle Knutson 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Due to the nature of psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR), PSR providers are particularly susceptible to burnout – characterized by professional cynicism, exhaustion, and...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Change Management, Evidence-based, Interpersonal Skills, Outcomes, Research, Staff Management & Development
Utilizing Website Building To Develop Transition Readiness And Self-Advocacy With Youth David Merlo 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that transition planning must be based on the “individual student's needs, taking into account the student's...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Community Integration, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Using Technology, Vocational
Building Bridges to Recovery Through Community Partnerships Elena Bassett 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Community membership can provide a sense of belonging, identity, and social connection. Mental illness often contributes to isolation and loneliness. When services are cut...
Topics: Veterans Affairs, Stigma, Community Integration, Evidence-based, Mergers, Partnerships, Collaboration, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Beyond Recovery: Positive Psychology And The Science Of Happiness Elizabeth Whitney 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Imagine the possibilities if we focused on thriving!  What can we learn about resilience and healing when we explore what is possible rather than what is broken?  ...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Change Management, Goal Setting, Person-Centered Planning Skills
Working With Life As It Is: Boosting Resilience For Everyday Challenges Elizabeth Whitney 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Life brings with it a host of challenges that can “pile up,” especially when jobs require our time, our presence, and our emotional energy.  Workshops and classes on...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Interpersonal Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Staff Management & Development
Unpacking Forced Hospitalization Around Suicide: The Practitioner's Dilemma Emily M. Lund 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
It is estimated that 9.3 million US adults experience suicidal thoughts every year.  Practitioners are often tasked with assessing imminent risk for suicide and in many...
Topics: Advocacy, Peers, Cost Management, Person-Centered Planning Skills
Overcoming Traumas And Reducing Emotional Triggers As Paths To Progress In Recovery Fernando Alessandri 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
If we drive a car with duct tape covering our dashboard, we are bound to miss important information and eventually come to a grinding halt. Similarly, if we never learn to...
Topics: Trauma, Health & Wellness, De-escalation, Evidence-based, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Lunch N' Learn Hopeful Pessimism: A Route To Recovery Jennifer Wilson 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Over time, a black and white picture of optimism and pessimism has emerged. Early optimism research may have over-focused on advantages and understated potential costs of...
Topics: Community Integration, Evidence-based, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Lunch N' Learn Animal-Assisted Therapy And Why It Should Be Mainstreamed In Mental Health Provider Settings Jessica Suitor 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Research has shown that the use of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) reduces the rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness with a wide range of populations that have...
Topics: Research, Evidence-based, Cost Management, Community Integration, Advocacy
Peer Specialist Career Mobility and Advancement: Opportunities and Barriers Jessica Wolf 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Thousands of peer specialists are certified in most states, the District of Columbia, and the Veterans Affairs system. Viable career paths, progressive compensation, and...
Topics: Peers, Ethics, Culture, Employment, Research
Is Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training In Your Recovery Toolbox? Lori Lombardo 8:30 am to 10:00 am
The road to recovery includes learning important new skills, but putting these skills into action is often much easier said than done.  Why is this?  Often an...
Topics: Communication Skills, Health & Wellness, Evidence-based, Goal Setting, Interpersonal Skills, Person-Centered Planning Skills, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency
Using Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) Effectively At Your Agency Marie Hamilton 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Many service providers receive Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) training, but find it challenging to facilitate the program. This presentation provides an overview of...
Topics: Peers, Health & Wellness, Co-Occurring Disorders, Goal Setting
TED-Like Talks The Ultimate Mindset Reset: Hypnosis Monica Marusceac 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Change happens in single moments of decision.  These moments have power to change life permanently, for better or for worse.  In moments of decision, single-minded...
Topics: Change Management, Communication Skills, Evidence-based, Health & Wellness, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Suicide/Violence Prevention, Veterans Affairs
Promoting Positive Family Engagement to Improve Educational and Employment Outcomes for Transitional Age Youth Nicole DeTore 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Family members play a pivotal role in targeting the school and employment outcomes in early intervention with transitional age youth with mental health challenges. However,...
Topics: Transition Age Youth, Child and Family, Early Intervention, Employment, First Episode, Forensic
TED-Like Talks Misunderstood: Millennials & Workforce Development Nicole Pashka 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Millennials will make up 40% of the workforce by 2020. Whether we like it or not millennials are here to stay. As a millennial myself, this TED talk will be a mix of skill...
Topics: Communication Skills, Culture, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Staff Management & Development
A Little Less Conversation \ A Little More Action: Advancing Sexual Wellness In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs Nicole Pashka 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Many individuals who experience a psychiatric disability are also sexually active, viewing sex/intimacy as personal choices essential for wellness and part of their own self-...
Topics: Trauma, Sexuality, Research, Culture, Communication Skills, Assessment, Health & Wellness
How Can You Become An Expert In Psych Rehab? Patricia Nemec 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Although some work has been done to define the entry level competencies for the practice of psychiatric rehabilitation, through the development of the CPRP credential, little...
Topics: Communication Skills, Change Management, Evidence-based, Health Integration, Interpersonal Skills, Staff Management & Development
Conversation that Matters Discussing Burnout: How Does It Affect You? Peter Basto 8:30 am to 10:00 am
In this Conversation that Matters, participants who have had or are currently experiencing burnout, will come together to talk about this important challenge to working in...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Staff Management & Development, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Interpersonal Skills
How Do We Know What Works? Understanding Evidence-Based Practice and Evidence-Based Medicine In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Sandra Resnick 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Do the words “evidence-based practice” make you squirm with confusion or irritation? When someone describes their psychiatric rehabilitation services as “evidence-based” are...
Topics: Advocacy, Ethics, Culture, Evidence-based, Outcomes, Research
TED-Like Talks Walking In The Light Of A Lighthouse: A Journey To Understanding Stephanie Crookston 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
When I was 23, I sat in the shadow of a lighthouse that sat on a hill overlooking the vast ocean ofthe Atlantic and thought about jumping. My despair so intense, I considered...
Topics: Communication Skills, Child and Family, Health & Wellness, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Peers, Promotion of Self-Efficacy & Self-Sufficiency, Spirituality, Suicide/Violence Prevention
Supercharging Health and Wellness Initiatives With Fundraising and Interventions That Work Steve LaMaster 8:30 am to 10:00 am
How many of us, charged with helping those we serve to make healthy, wellness-supporting choices, can say we consistently make those choices for ourselves?  With obesity...
Topics: Health & Wellness, Advocacy, Change Management, Goal Setting, Health Integration, Marketing Strategies, Revenue Generation
Healing Community Trauma Through Resiliency Teresa Paterson 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Resiliency is a cornerstone to health and recovery for individuals and communities. Trauma is a condition of the human experience. Resiliency building skills in concert with...
Topics: Trauma, Interpersonal Skills, Community Integration, Culture